Kenya Tourism Board Taps Into Diaspora Networks To Boost Visitor Numbers

KTB CEO June Chepkemei (left) and Lawrence Monda from NMK during the launch of the diapora campaign Launch at the Kenya House in Paris.

“Ziara Kenya” Campaign Seeks To Engage Kenyans Abroad In Promoting Tourism & Driving Growth

Paris, Monday, July 29th, 2024: The Kenya Tourism Board (KTB) is launching an innovative campaign to leverage the power of the Kenyan diaspora in promoting tourism. This new initiative, titled “Ziara Kenya: One Diaspora, One Tourist,” aims to tap into the global network of Kenyans living abroad to attract at least one tourist per diaspora member annually, thereby fostering significant growth in Kenya’s tourism sector.

During the campaign launch at Kenya House in Paris, coinciding with the Paris Olympics, KTB CEO June Chepkemei emphasized the crucial role of the diaspora in driving tourism. “The Kenyan diaspora is a dynamic and patriotic community that continues to contribute to our nation’s progress. This campaign harnesses their passion and dedication to amplify tourism efforts. By empowering each diaspora member to become an ambassador for Kenya, we anticipate igniting a wave of interest and connection that will draw more visitors to our country,” Chepkemei stated.

The campaign is inspired by the substantial growth of the Kenyan diaspora, which is expected to reach four million by the end of 2023, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This expanding global community represents a significant, yet underutilized, resource for boosting tourism.

In addition to being a major source of foreign exchange, with diaspora remittances totaling a record Ksh671 billion (US$4.19 billion) in 2023, the diaspora’s economic impact is profound. “Tourism revenue, which ranks second only to remittances as a foreign exchange earner, will benefit greatly from this initiative. Our goal is to harmonize tourism, cultural exchange, and economic growth into a cohesive strategy,” Chepkemei explained.

The “Ziara Kenya” campaign draws from successful strategies used by other countries that have effectively engaged their diaspora to increase visitor numbers, including several in Africa. Kenya, which welcomed 1.96 million international tourists in 2023, aims to reach 3 million by the end of 2024. The campaign is a critical part of this ambitious goal.

To support this initiative, the KTB will implement an online e-learning program and certification for diaspora members, providing them with in-depth knowledge about Kenya’s destinations, along with skills and motivation to advocate for the country. The board will also organize webinars and virtual tours showcasing Kenya’s attractions, appoint influential diaspora figures as campaign ambassadors, and participate in key diaspora events to spread awareness about the campaign.


Chepkemei encouraged the diaspora to actively engage in promoting Kenya as a premier tourism destination. “Your involvement is vital as we aim to position Kenya as a leading long-haul destination globally by 2030. Let us unite in rediscovering our roots, reconnecting with our heritage, and advancing a prosperous future for our beloved nation,” she urged.

This campaign marks a strategic effort by the KTB to harness the global influence of the Kenyan diaspora to stimulate tourism growth and enhance Kenya’s international profile as a top travel destination.

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