Whispers Of Redemption, Unpacking ‘Forgive Yourself’ By Jared Singer

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From Anxiety To Acceptance

Title: Forgive Yourself These Tiny Acts Of Self-Destruction

Author: Jared Singer

Place: USA

Publisher: ‎Button Poetry

Date of publication: December 3, 2019

Forgive Yourself These Tiny Acts of Self-Destruction is a highly anticipated debut book that collects and transforms work from Jared Singer’s ten years as a mainstay of the NYC poetry scene. The poems within this collection span a wide emotional spectrum, ranging from laugh-out-loud funny to the profound silence and raw intensity of loss. Singer deftly navigates themes of body image, body positivity, mental health, anxiety, and suicide. The book also delves into the intricate fabric of American culture, with a special focus on New York City. Throughout its 79 pages, Singer invites readers to explore their own identities and find their place in the world without losing their way.

Singer’s poetry resonates deeply, touching on universal human experiences. His words evoke empathy, urging us to confront our own vulnerabilities and self-destructive tendencies. The collection balances wit and vulnerability, leaving an indelible mark on the reader. His ability to blend vulnerability, honesty, and depth makes his work even more compelling.Whether you’re a seasoned poetry enthusiast or a newcomer, Forgive Yourself These Tiny Acts of Self-Destruction offers a poignant journey through life’s complexities.

Author’s Profile
Jared Singer emerges as a poetic force to be reckoned with. His decade-long presence in the NYC poetry scene has honed his craft, allowing him to craft verses that cut to the core. As a Jewish American, Singer weaves his cultural identity into his work, providing a unique lens through which to view the world. His vulnerability and compassion shine through, making this debut collection a must-read for anyone seeking solace, understanding, and self-forgiveness. It is a modern handbook for introspection, compassion, and healing. Jared Singer’s poetic voice invites us to embrace our imperfections and find redemption within our own hearts.

Other notable works by Jared Singer include:

The last love letter from an Entomologist: In this spoken word poem, Singer weaves a poignant narrative that combines love, entomology, and vulnerability.

Button Poetry: Jared Singer is associated with Button Poetry, a platform that celebrates spoken word artists. His authentic, confessional voice resonates through his performances and written work. You can find more of his captivating pieces on their website.

An Autobiography: In a video titled Jared Singer – An Autobiography, he shares glimpses of his life, experiences, and creative journey. The video provides insight into the mind of this talented poet.

Singer’s book is found in all the leading bookshops today and online books’ sites.

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