Voices Rise At The Africa Women Summit 2024


The Power Of Women In Transforming Health

The Africa Women Summit (AWS) at JW Marriott Nairobi has been an exceptional event over the past two days. The key subjects of empowerment, knowledge sharing, and community building have dominated the discussions. Under the theme “Women’s Health: Empowering Voices, Inspiring Change,” this summit has emerged as a beacon of hope, igniting conversations that are vital for the well-being and advancement of women across the continent.

GoPlaces Group MD Nev Jiwani (Centre) with other delegates at AWS 2024

With commendable speakers and engaging discussions, AWS has focused on critical issues affecting women’s health and access to healthcare. Day one saw luminaries like Dr. Susan Nakhumicha, Kenya’s CS for Health, take the stage to illuminate the pressing need for raising awareness about prevalent diseases among women. With a focus on diseases such as breast cancer, cervical cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases, Dr. Nakhumicha’s impassioned plea for proactive health measures struck a chord with attendees, igniting a sense of urgency to address these silent yet pervasive threats to women’s well-being.

Building on the momentum of day one, the summit seamlessly transitioned into day two, where the spotlight shone brightly on improving healthcare access for women, particularly those in rural and marginalized communities. Dr. Mambo Susan and Dr. Chichi Menakaya, two trailblazers in the healthcare sector, spearheaded discussions on dismantling barriers and fostering inclusivity in healthcare delivery. Their insights, coupled with real-world examples of impactful interventions, served as a rallying cry for collective action in bridging the gap between healthcare services and those who need them the most.

As we eagerly anticipate the apex of this transformative event, day three promises to be an enriching finale, offering interactive discussions with successful women from diverse fields. From business magnates to social entrepreneurs, this diverse panel of trailblazers will share their journeys, insights, and lessons learned along the way. Moreover, participants will have the opportunity to engage directly with the panelists through a dynamic Q&A session, fostering meaningful exchanges and forging lasting connections.

Whether you missed the first two days or have been part of this empowering journey, AWS continues to inspire change. Friday holds the promise of inspiration, empowerment, and actionable insights that can drive tangible change in the lives of women across Africa. Join other attendees as experts continue to amplify women’s voices, advocate for their health and well-being, and chart a course towards a more equitable and inclusive future.

The Africa Women Summit 2024 isn’t just a conference; it’s a movement. And together, women are rewriting the narrative of women’s health and empowerment, one conversation at a time.

See you at the Africa Women Summit for the last day!

Happy Labour Day 2021

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