Unlocking Wealth Wisdom, The Naval Ravikant Way

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A Treasure Map To Wealth And Fulfilment

Title: The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: A Guide to Wealth and Happiness

Author: Eric Jorgenson

Place: India

Publisher:‎ Magrathea Publishing

Date of publication: September 2020


The Almanack of Naval Ravikant isn’t your typical self-help book. It’s not a step-by-step guide or a quick-fix gimmick. Instead, it’s a collection of Naval’s wisdom and experience, curated from his most insightful interviews and reflections over the past decade. Through his own words, you’ll discover how to forge your unique path toward a happier, wealthier life. This almanac doesn’t just focus on luck; it delves into the skills we can learn to build wealth and find lasting happiness.


Eric Jorgenson masterfully compiles Naval’s principles into a concise and impactful read. The book emphasizes that making money is a skill; one that involves knowing what to do, who to work with, and when to act. It highlights ethical wealth creation and the role of ownership in achieving financial freedom. Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur, an investor, or simply someone seeking a more fulfilling life, this almanac provides practical insights that resonate deeply. The Almanack of Naval Ravikant is a thought-provoking guide that transcends clichés. It invites you to learn, grow, and chart your course toward both wealth and happiness.

Author’s Profile

Eric Jorgenson, the author, is an entrepreneur, writer, and investor. He’s part of the founding team of Zaarly and has been publishing online since 2014. His blog has educated and entertained over a million readers. Eric’s quest for the perfect sandwich mirrors his approach to life—curious, creative, and always seeking improvement.

Other notable works by Eric Jorgenson include:

The Anthology of Balaji: A Guide to Technology, Truth, and Building the Future: In collaboration with Balaji Srinivasan, Eric delves into technology, truth, and the art of shaping the future. This anthology offers insights from a visionary entrepreneur and technologist.

Career Advice for Uniquely Ambitious People, A Decision-Making Guide for Uncommon Success: Eric provides practical advice for those who aspire to carve their unique path. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, artist, or professional, this book offers valuable insights on making impactful decisions.

Manure to Meadow to Milkshake: A departure from his usual themes, this book explores transformation—from humble beginnings to delightful outcomes. Eric’s storytelling prowess shines as he weaves a tale of growth and change.

The Almanack of Naval Ravikant, Hyperfocus, 24 Assets, The Profits Principles: A collection set featuring Eric’s work alongside other influential authors. Dive into wisdom, focus, assets, and profit principles.

Eric’s book is found in all the leading bookshops today and online books’ sites.

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