Transforming Hospitality, Highlights From The 2024 Graduate Program

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Innovate, Educate, And Elevate, The 2024 Hospitality Graduate Program Experience

The recently concluded Hospitality Graduate Program, held on the 13th of July, 2024, at the prestigious Trade Mark Hotel in Village Market, was a resounding success. This event was a beacon of inspiration, bringing together industry leaders, and professionals to share insights and explore the future of hospitality.

The day kicked off with a warm welcome and registration at 8:30 am, where attendees were greeted with tea and snacks, setting a pleasant tone for the day ahead. At 9:00 am, the opening remarks were delivered by prominent figures including Madam Pauline Nduva, the KAWT Chairlady, Madam Mendi Njonjo, representing the KCB Foundation as the GOLD Sponsor, and Mr. Lee Madden, CEO of GR8 Recruitment Employment Solutions Ltd. Their speeches underscored the significance of innovation and adaptability in the hospitality industry.

The first panel session titled “Moving Out Of The Traditional Position,” was moderated by Jacinta Kiruthi, CEO of In Trade Africa. The session featured esteemed panelists such as Sophie Odupoy from KOKO Networks, Jane Ndungo from Safal Group, and Stella Nderitu from Emerging Leaders Foundation Africa. They shared invaluable insights on how the industry is evolving beyond traditional roles and the importance of embracing change.

Following a mindful break with refreshments, attendees further had the opportunity to participate in educational workshops. These workshops covered a range of pertinent topics: “How to Create Cultural Change,” led by Judy Kepher Gona of STTA Kenya, “Wealth Health,” presented by Patrick Wajero of KCB, “Personal Branding,” by Phoebe Maina of Steri Tours, and “Technology in Hospitality,” by Lillian Mwangi of Orak Residences. Each session provided practical knowledge and strategies, equipping participants with tools to thrive in their careers.

After a leisurely lunch break at 1:00 pm, the second empowering panel session commenced. Titled “Challenges Faced by Women in Tourism and Hospitality,” this session was moderated by Wausi Walya, Deputy Director of Public Relations and Corporate Communication at KTB. The panel included distinguished speakers like Dr. Juliana Kyalo from the education sector, Dr. Winnie Kiiru from the tourism sector, Videar Kwoba representing hospitality, and Eva Mwangi of Doing Things Differently (SPONSOR). Their discussions highlighted the unique challenges women face in the industry and proposed solutions to overcome these obstacles.

The day concluded with closing remarks at 3:30 pm by Safaricom, a key sponsor of the event. A mindful break with refreshments followed, allowing attendees a dedicated hour to network and explore various brands and job opportunities exhibited at the venue. The event officially ended at 5:00 pm, leaving participants inspired and equipped with new knowledge and connections to advance their careers in hospitality.

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Images Courtesy Of KAWT

The Hospitality Graduate Program 2024 was not just an event; it was a celebration of growth, learning, and the endless possibilities within the hospitality industry. The insights gained and connections made will undoubtedly contribute to shaping the future of hospitality in innovative and transformative ways.

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