Swinging For Dreams, The Sauti Village Golf Tournament

Sauti village SM 1

A Journey Of Sports, Compassion, And Community Transformation

The prestigious Limuru Country Club recently played host to the Sauti Village Golf Tournament, an event that transcended mere golf and touched the lives of underprivileged children from the Mathare community. The tournament unfolded magnificently, with over 250 golfers registering and 210 playing. But this wasn’t just about swings and putts; it was about creating opportunities and bridging gaps.

World Long Drive Champion, Alexis Belton, graced Kenya with her presence. She engaged both the children and their parents during her visit to their homes. Her warm smile and unwavering enthusiasm left a lasting impression. The children, many of whom had never stepped foot on a golf course, added an extra layer of joy to the event. Their wide-eyed wonder as they explored the lush green fairways was priceless. One child even contemplated taking off their shoes to feel the grass beneath their feet, a simple act that symbolized the magic of the day.

Ketepa Tea generously contributed prizes, emphasizing that sports can unite communities and create lasting memories beyond the greens.

Saturday took the participants to Mathare, where fun and games awaited. Alexis, with her expertise, trained the children on the backswing, impact, and follow-through. Water balloons demonstrated impact, brooms served as makeshift clubs for backswing practice, and determination fueled their follow-through.

Sunday saw the kids returning to Limuru Golf Club, guided by Alexis Belton. Talinda East Africa MD, Eunice Wafula, donated backpacks for the children’s school needs, reinforcing the intersection of golf and education. Graciously sponsored Sunday lunch by Captain Limuru Golf, Capt. Githinji, concluded the event on a heartwarming note.

The mission extended beyond the tournament. Through mentorship programs intertwined with golf, they aimed to transform these children’s lives. The unwavering support of golfers and esteemed partners like The Marge Brand Agency, Bamba Studios, Go Places Digital, RSC Group, Dusit Princess, Limuru Golf Club, and Yen Golf made it all possible.

Sharing Moments:

Images Courtesy of Wambui Munyue

As the sun set over the rolling hills of Limuru, dreams took flight, one swing at a time. Together, they shaped a brighter future for these children.

For More Information visit www.sautivillage.org or Contact:

wambui.munyue@the-marge.com+254 721 993 369

jacktone.otieno@gmail.com|+254 780 403 531

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