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Ministry Set To Map Tourist Attractions Sites To Boost Sector Performance

Ministry Set To Map Tourist Attractions Sites To Boost Sector Performance

The government, through the Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Heritage, is working on a conceptual mapping framework intended to map out all tourist attraction sites in the country with aim of reinvigorating the tourism sector.

Tourism Principal Secretary John Ololtuaa, who was the chief guest during the Transmala Classic Athletics hailed sports events as a contributor to tourism and hospitality in the country. Kenya is endowed with many attractions that we need to promote. Our strong collaboration with County governments seeks to identify the potential that exists in tourism.” Said Ololtuaa

He said the Transmara Classics will serve as a fishing ground for young talents in athletics as well as showcase culture. “We are known as an athletic powerhouse and we have to sustain this position by nurturing talents who will mature to be elites in various athletic disciplines. Athletes are our destination brand ambassadors who have made marketing of the destination easier and we must always look out for them”, said the PS.

The competition drew over 1,500 athletes from local schools and training camps with participants engaging in track and field activities as well traditional sports such as Rungu throwing and jumping, which is part of the Maa culture.

PS Ololtua urged county governments and the youth to participate in the creation of sustainable tourism products which can be showcased in the local and globally stating: “The County governments have great potential in terms of tourism and we intend to work with them in identifying these opportunities.” He added

“For instance, we now have a phenomenon called the twin migration currently ongoing; the wildebeest migration at the Mara and whale migration in Watamu all happening at the same time,” he said, “This is a unique selling point for Kenya and we shall leverage it to attract more tourists.

Kenya has showcased its potential to host key, global sporting events such as golf tournaments, cultural festivals as well as motorsport events like the WRC Safari Rally.

Cultural events such as the Lamu cultural festival Maralal Camel Derby, Rusinga festivals and the Maa festival have not only seen the growth in tourism investments within the counties but also nurtured cultures. Similarly, golf events such as the Magical Kenya Open (MKO) and Magical Kenya Ladies Open (MKLO) have helped market the destination to a global audience whilst nurturing local golfing talent.

PS Ololtua noted that the Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Heritage will continue to work closely with organizers of these events to increase visitor numbers and push tourism revenue to identified regions.

This even as Kenya expects to receive 1.65 million tourists during the Financial Year (FY) 2022/23, an increase of 37% from 1.2 million arrivals in the FY 2021/22. This rise is attributed to increase in visitor confidence on the destination.

Domestic tourism is equally expected to surge owing to Kenyans’ increased willingness and ability to travel within the country. Hotel bed occupancy is set to reach 4.52 million, an increase of 14% up from 3.95 million bed nights recorded in FY 2021/22.


Voice of Tourism

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