Master The Game Of Leadership With Mark Miller’s ‘Chess Not Checkers’

Chess Not Checkers Featured

Elevate Your Leadership Skills With This Must-Read Guide

Title: Chess Not Checkers.

Author: Mark Miller.

Place: USA.

Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

Date of publication: April, 2015.


Chess, Not Checkers tells the compelling story of Blake Brown, a newly appointed CEO facing a company plagued by poor performance and low morale. Despite his experience, Blake struggles to address the organization’s challenges. His mentor reveals the problem: Blake is playing the wrong game. Early organizational days resemble checkers, fast-paced and interchangeable. But as the company grows, strategic thinking becomes crucial, akin to chess. Blake learns four essential strategies from chess that transform his leadership and the organization’s performance.


Mark Miller’s book is a game-changer for leaders. Drawing parallels between chess and leadership, he emphasizes strategic thinking, effective execution, teamwork, and employee engagement. The book provides actionable insights, making it an accessible guide for leaders seeking unprecedented performance. Miller’s storytelling approach keeps readers engaged, and the concise 144-page format ensures practical takeaways without overwhelming details. Whether you’re a seasoned executive or a budding leader, “Chess, Not Checkers” offers valuable lessons.

Author’s Profile

Mark Miller, with over forty years of experience at Chick-fil-A, brings practical wisdom to his writing. From starting as an hourly team member to leading in various roles, he understands leadership challenges. His approach; finding universal principles and applying them to real-world scenarios, resonates with readers. His commitment to serving leaders and solving common organizational problems shines through his work.

Other notable works by Mark Miller include:

The Secret of Teams: What Great Teams Know and Do In this book, Miller delves into the essential elements that make teams thrive. He emphasizes the power of trust, clarity, and shared purpose.

Leaders Made Here: Building a Leadership CultureMiller explores how organizations can intentionally develop leaders from within. He shares practical strategies for creating a leadership culture that identifies, trains, and empowers emerging leaders.

The Heart of Leadership: Becoming a Leader People Want to FollowDrawing from his extensive experience, Miller discusses the heart of leadership; the character, authenticity, and humility that inspire others.

Win Every Day: Proven Practices for Extraordinary ResultsIn this book, Miller distills timeless principles for achieving excellence. From setting clear goals to maintaining discipline, he provides actionable steps to win daily.

The book is found in all the leading bookshops and on online books sites.

Go Places Book Review – Leaders Are Readers
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