Mamma Mia Pizza Mondays, Triple The Delight


Experience Italian Excellence With Mamma Mia Pizza Mondays

Are you ready to elevate your Monday dining experience? Look no further than the tantalizing offer of Mamma Mia Pizza Mondays, where indulgence meets affordability in a trio of deliciousness. At select branches of Non Solo Gelato, La Piazzetta, and Non Solo Padel in Watamu, immerse yourself in the flavours of Italy.

At Non Solo Padel’s Kanani Road branch in Watamu, indulge in delectable pizzas alongside a vibrant atmosphere. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete enjoying a match or a family seeking vibrant moments, this sports club offers a compelling, invigorating, and mouthwatering experience—all harmoniously situated under one roof.

Meanwhile, at Non Solo Gelato’s Ola Energy Plaza Branch and La Piazzetta on the rooftop garden of Sarit Centre, embark on a culinary journey that celebrates the essence of traditional Italian cuisine. From elevated ready-to-eat dishes to a selection of fine Italian wines, every moment at Non Solo Gelato and La Piazzetta promises a taste of Italy in Kenya.

Whether you’re seeking a casual night out with friends, quality time with family, or a romantic rendezvous, Mamma Mia Pizza Mondays offer the perfect opportunity to indulge in the flavors of Italy. With seamless customer service and a commitment to excellence, Non Solo Gelato, La Piazzetta, and Non Solo Padel guarantee a dining experience that leaves you eagerly anticipating your next visit. Join us every Monday and treat yourself to triple the deliciousness—because why settle for one pizza when you can have three?

For Orders or Inquiries Contact +254794600128


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