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Leading The Way: Exploring Innovation And Excellence At The Regional Hospitality Summit 2023

Elevating The Hospitality Industry: Join Us At The Regional Hospitality Summit 2023

The event will take place on 29th-31st May 2023, at Sarova Whitesands Beach Resort and Spa Mombasa Kenya.

Networking with Hospitality and Tourism Professionals allows you to surround yourself with people who have a greater, deeper insight into the hospitality and Tourism industry. Striking up a mentor/mentee relationship with an industry veteran is a great tool for honing the knowledge and experience you need to advance your own career.

Book yourself as a Delegate, Speaker, Exhibitor, or Event Sponsor at the Biggest Regional Hospitality Leadership Summit, bringing together Hospitality Directors, General Managers, Tour Operators, Hospitality and Tourism Consultants, etc. From Eastern Africa.

This is a chance for everyone to prepare, plan and strategize on achieving the most satisfactory results of this great opportunity of networking and exhibiting the various commodities in the hospitality Industry in Eastern Africa.

Are you a Hospitality Supplier of the following :

Hotel Accommodation Services, Hotel Tour Services, Hotel Conferencing Services, Kitchen Equipment, Food items, Beverages, Bakery products, Halal products, Vegetables and fruits, Dairy supplies, Canned food, Chilled edible items, Poultry products, Meat, Organic food items, Juices, Milk, Tea and coffee, Carbonated drinks, Cleaning equipment, Hospitality services, Storage units, Refrigeration units, Display systems, Tableware, Food machinery, Additives, Food ingredients, Processing tools, Packaging solutions, Restaurant equipment, Sweeteners, Food preservatives, Vitamins, proteins and minerals, Safety equipment, Flavors, Starches, Food accessories, Fats and oils, Emulsifiers.

For details contact us on +254 785 222 444
email us at lydia@victoryglobalimpact.com or

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