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KTDA Foundation Hands Over KSH 1.44 Million Library Project To Gitugi Tea Factory

 KTDA Foundation in partnership has handed over a library facility to Gitugi Tea Factory in Nyeri County to help improve the quality of education provided to students in the area.

The Ksh. 1.44 million project consists of a total of 3143 CBC curriculum books (grade 1- 6), readers, installation of CCTV cameras, and librarian facilitation. All books have already been purchased, cameras installed and a librarian has already been identified.

The library building where this handover ceremony is taking place was built and opened by the KTDA Foundation in 2016.

Students from nearby schools have been invited to participate in the handover ceremony.

Commenting on this Sudi Matara, Head of KTDA Foundation said “Providing students in tea communities with quality education is one of the main pillars of the foundation. In addition to the library project, we have also set up reading tents for students in the community to boost their confidence and expand their minds.”

On a daily basis, 20-25 students visit the library on normal school terms and 50-75 students during school holidays. With the addition of books and other facilities, KTDA Foundation hopes to see the number of students using this library increase.

“One of the main aims of this library is to help students revise for their exams by providing the necessary books and past papers. We expect to see the number of students passing exams increase over time.” He added.

Some of the other projects the Foundation has done in relation to the education pillar include; offering scholarships to needy but bright students, providing adult literacy classes for farmers, and training teachers and students in digital literacy through robotics and coding.

KTDA Foundation has three other pillars including Health, Environmental Sustainability, and Economic Empowerment and it has worked on a number of projects to fulfill these pillars for example giving grants to farmer groups to help them set up small businesses, setting up medical facilities for farmers and providing farmers with climate resistant tea clones.


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