Greening Our Tomorrow. A Day of Purpose and Unity at the Tree Planting Day


Seeds of Change: Planting Hope for a Sustainable Future

On the 13th of November 2023, a remarkable event took place at the Strathmore Madaraka sports ground, where Kenyans gathered to celebrate Tree Planting Day. This significant day was not only a testament to our commitment to environmental conservation but also an opportunity for unity and collaboration. As part of the Go Places Digital team, we had the privilege of participating in this inspiring initiative alongside the dynamic women from the Kenya Association of Women in Tourism.

The government’s decision to declare a public holiday for Tree Planting Day demonstrated a collective commitment to environmental sustainability. This day of purpose allowed citizens to step away from their daily routines and actively contribute to a greener future. It was heartening to witness the enthusiasm and dedication of people from all walks of life, coming together for a common cause.

The Strathmore Madaraka Sports Ground as the Epicenter

The Strathmore Madaraka sports ground served as the epicenter of this environmental movement. Families, friends, and organizations converged to make a positive impact on the environment. The vast expanse of the sports ground became a canvas for hope and change, as individuals armed with saplings and shovels embarked on a collective journey to plant trees.

Women Power in Conservation

The presence of the Kenya Association of Women in Tourism added a special dimension to the event. These women, passionate about both tourism and environmental conservation, brought a unique energy and perspective to the tree planting activities. Their involvement served as a powerful reminder that environmental stewardship knows no gender boundaries.

Go Places Digital: A Digital Footprint in the Soil

As part of the Go Places Digital team, our mission extends beyond the digital realm. Planting trees became our way of leaving a tangible mark on the environment we navigate digitally every day. It was a humbling experience to witness our team members, usually immersed in the virtual world, actively engaged in the physical act of planting trees.

Nurturing Our Green Legacy

The significance of Tree Planting Day goes beyond the immediate act of planting saplings. It marks the beginning of a commitment to nurture these trees and, by extension, our environment. As we look towards the future, it is essential for each of us to play a role in ensuring the longevity and vitality of the green legacy we have collectively planted.

Tree Planting Day at the Strathmore Madaraka sports ground was not just a day of digging soil and planting trees; it was a day of unity, purpose, and commitment to a sustainable future. As members of Go Places Digital, we are proud to have been a part of this monumental event, contributing to a greener and healthier tomorrow. May the seeds we planted today grow into a flourishing forest of change, symbolizing our shared responsibility for the well-being of our planet.

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