Fireworks And Festivities, Kendwa Rocks Ushers In 2024 With Style


Kendwa Rocks’ Exclusive New Year Celebration

As the clock ticks towards 2024, Kendwa Rocks invites you to a New Year’s extravaganza that promises to be nothing short of sensational. Join them for an unforgettable night of music, fireworks, and culinary delights, setting the stage for a year of endless possibilities.

Dance the night away to the beats of DJ Junior and Rakesh Blackjack, creating a rhythm that echoes the excitement of a fresh start. Before the clock strikes midnight, indulge in a delectable Barbecue Buffet starting at 7:30 pm, tantalizing your taste buds in preparation for the festivities to come.

As the sky lights up with special fireworks at midnight, immerse yourself in the magic of the moment. Entry before midnight is priced at 40,000 Tsh, increasing to 50,000 Tsh after midnight.

For those seeking an elevated experience, secure your VVIP and VIP packages in advance. Choose from Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond packages, each offering a unique blend of luxury and revelry, complete with exclusive bottles and mixers.

Don’t miss the chance to ring in the new year in grand style. Book your spot now, and join Kendwa Rocks for a night of celebration, where every moment is a memory in the making. Cheers to new beginnings!

For more information on Kendwa Rocks, CLICK HERE

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