Kenya National Culture And Tourism Festival 2023 – 16th to 18th March 2023 Exhibitions are an excellent opportunity for NCTF 2023 brand to generate leads and build a positive brand image with Our target audience. But they can also be difficult spaces to navigate. Achieving our exhibition and Conference goals largely comes down to our exhibition Venue visitor rate. With strong competitors surrounding our Venue Exhibitors are always searching for exciting new ways to stand out at an exhibition and attract a crowd. We’ve put together 13 useful ways to attract more Exhibitors and visitors to our Festival Venue and generate leads. 1- NCTF 2023 – Pre-show marketing tactics Promoting our Festival exhibition Venue prior to the expo is a great way for NCTF 2023 to attract interest and increase our visitor rate by creating landing pages and info-graphics, to implementing a social media campaign and sending out newsletters advertising on the event show guide and website before the event begins. This will help us to increase your our visitors’ rate by ensuring our audience is well-informed about our Venue and what we are offering and where we shall be located. Use our pre-show marketing to promote any other tactics that NCTF 2023 will be using at our exhibition stand, such as competitions or demonstrations. This will generate hype and interest in our Festival Venue in advance. 2- Invite existing customers To attract a group of loyal and interested visitors to our Festival Venue, NCTF 2023 will utilize our current network of customers. Inform our current customers through email or phone that NCTF 2023 will be exhibiting and Conferencing and personally invite them to attend. 3- Be visual NCTF 2023 Has a unique design, bold graphics, and striking content that is essential for making your exhibition stand noticeable at a busy exhibition. NCTF 2023 will Ensure that your stand is visible in the venue with lighting, bright graphics, and raised flooring. This will help our exhibition stand to capture the attention of attendees. 4- Showcase products with displays and demonstrations 80% of trade show attendees say they are looking for new products, NCTF 2023 will be sure to showcase your products and services at your stand with displays and demonstrations. This is a great way to attract attendees as it provides them with the opportunity to use the product themselves before they commit to buying. 5- Have approachable staff In the same way that you invest time and money in Our Festival of Exhibition and Conference, NCTF 2023 also need to invest in OUR staff. Ensure that they are putting our best foot forward by selecting members of our team that are knowledgeable and approachable. well-trained in communicating with prospects. Your staff also needs to be knowledgeable of your business so they can speak about the products and services confidently. This also includes having a uniform or dress code that is professional, yet approachable. Make sure that they stand up and move around the space, rather than stay seated behind a desk. 6- NCTF 2023 to Offer a relaxing space With hundreds of exhibitors trying to gain attention and sell products or services, expos can often become chaotic and overwhelming for an attendee. NCTF 2023 will be the solution to their problem by providing a space that is welcoming and relaxing. 7- Provide useful resource NCTF 2023 Festival will offer more than bright colors and graphics. Think about giving away a whitepaper on a topic of interest to our audience or provide access to exclusive e-books online. This will allow NCTF2023 to share Our knowledge and provide solutions to our audience by providing useful content to visitors after obtaining contact information. This will encourage people to approach our Festival but it also helps NCTF 2023 gather contact details for future lead generation. It’s important that OUR Festival and our staff clearly communicate in some way that these resources are available. 8- NCTF 2023 guest speaker Often at our Trade Exhibitions and conference, there is always scheduled guest speakers sharing information and advice on the Sector. A great way to create buzz and excitement around our exhibition stand is to have an important and reputable member of our business fraternity, such as The Host Governor CEO, Managing Director, or Operations Manager, as a guest speaker at the NCTF 2023. This will establish our business as thought leaders within the sector. 9- NCTF 2023 – well-thought layout AND KAKAMEGA COUNTY HOST VENUE The layout of NCTF 2023 – Exhibition stand at BUKHUNGU stadium is just as important as the design. Creating a welcoming and well-placed layout will allow our Participants to enter and move around the space comfortably. Plan your booking layout so that your products are towards the front, to grab attention, but product displays or demonstrations are located away from the congested aisles to allow interested customers to view them uninterrupted. 10- NCTF 2023 Exciting technology Using technology can help to attract visitors to your stand by offering them something to engage with. Audio and visual components are simple installations that can make a huge difference to your stand’s attractiveness. Mounted TV screens can help you showcase your products and information. NCTF 2023 will further and use virtual or augmented reality at our Festival. This will gives the user a life-like experience with a product or service, helping them form a better understanding. Virtual reality can generate hype, creating a user experience that’s unique, memorable and engaging. 11- NCTF 2023 social media savvy Using live social media, such as live tweeting, Instagram stories, or live streaming, will help nctf2022 gain the attention of attendees. Use the hashtags related to the event to connect yourself with the expo and gain traction. Now that you’ve got some ideas for making your exhibition stand a show-stopper, it’s time to start planning your expo journey. We can help you with all exhibition services, from stand design and building to transportation and installation. EXHIBITORS & Kakamega County stands to gain by:
- Positioning Kakamega County as an ideal destination for new business opportunities and investment.
- Provide a great platform to market business and attract new customers.
- Meet and Connect with Potential Clients.
- Network with industry members.
- Explore partnership opportunities.
- Generate new business leads.
Sharing Moments KNTF 2021

For More Information Contact:
Fountain Flow Event Management Limited TEL: +254 728 483 387, +254 734 666 778 EMAIL: WEBSITE:

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