UK Influencers Unlock Kenya’s Hidden Tourism Treasures


Influencer Campaign Set To Ignite Global Travel Interest In Kenya

Kenya is making strides in its quest to solidify its position as a top tourist destination, thanks to an ongoing influencer marketing campaign by the Kenya Tourism Board (KTB). As part of the campaign’s final phase, renowned UK influencers arrived in the country to experience and showcase Kenya’s diverse and thrilling tourism products. This initiative targets the millennial travel market, aiming to enhance the country’s visibility among this dynamic group of travellers.

The influencers, including travel vlogger Sandy Makes Sense, Irish rugby player and social media influencer Harry McNulty, and photographer Eleonora Zontini, are embarking on an exciting one-week tour of key attractions. Their itinerary includes Nairobi, Tsavo, and Watamu, allowing them to explore both the city and coastal regions of Kenya. By documenting their journey through their creative talents in videography, photography, and content creation, these influencers are poised to present Kenya as a vibrant and authentic travel destination.

KTB CEO June Chepkemei expressed her optimism about the campaign’s success. The strategy had previously focused on influencers from East African Community (EAC) countries, generating significant interest in the region. “We are now extending our reach to the lucrative UK market, where travellers have consistently shown a keen interest in Kenya’s tourism offerings,” Chepkemei noted. In 2023 alone, the UK market accounted for 156,701 arrivals, marking a 19% increase from the previous year.

The collaboration between KTB and the influencers is expected to ignite travel interest to Kenya, with the influencers’ storytelling skills playing a pivotal role in attracting a global audience. This influencer tour follows in the footsteps of Hollywood star Nicole Murphy’s recent visit to Kenya, further highlighting the country’s growing appeal to global celebrities and key figures in the travel and arts industries.

KTB’s campaign, under its flagship brand Magical Kenya, captures the essence of Kenya’s all-year-round diverse and sustainable tourism experiences. As the influencers unpack Kenya’s natural beauty and cultural richness, the nation stands ready to welcome travellers from around the world, reinforcing its position as a must-visit destination.

This visit aligns with KTB’s broader goal of boosting regional tourism, contributing to the EAC’s target of attracting over 14 million international tourists annually by 2025. The current familiarization tour is a significant step toward achieving this ambitious target by showcasing Kenya’s unique allure to a global audience.

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