Community Triumph At TOSK’s CSR Event


Sharing Moments From The TOSK CSR Initiative

Members of the Tour Operators Society of Kenya (TOSK) recently commemorated a significant achievement at Namelok Girls School with the official opening of an ablution block on May 15th, 2024. This endeavour marked the culmination of nine months of dedicated efforts toward community development and empowerment.

The event was graced by Hon. George Sunkuyia, MP of Kajiado West and founder of Namelok Girls School, whose vision and leadership have played a pivotal role in the school’s growth since its inception in 2020. Accompanying him was Mrs. Beatrice Gitundu, the school principal, whose unwavering commitment to education has seen Namelok Girls School expand to accommodate up to 600 students within a remarkably short timeframe.

In addition to the official opening ceremony, attendees participated in a symbolic tree planting initiative aimed at promoting environmental sustainability. Notable figures such as Margaret Kamau from the Kenya Tourism Board were present, advocating for conservation efforts.

Raymond Cheriot, CEO of TOSK, expressed the organization’s commitment to supporting Namelok Girls School by announcing plans to reward the top-performing students with a memorable trip to Nairobi National Park. This initiative seeks to inspire academic excellence and ambition among the students.

The event also served as an opportunity to honour the memory of Hussein Jiwani, a beloved member of the TOSK community whose generosity and compassion were exemplified through his contributions to the CSR project. His legacy continues to inspire TOSK members as they strive to make a positive impact in the community.

Chairman Daniel Mbugua reiterated the importance of sustainability and encouraged students to pursue excellence in their academic endeavors. Hon. MP Sunkuyia commended TOSK for its steadfast support, particularly in assisting students facing financial obstacles to education.

Reflecting on the journey, TOSK members recognize the profound impact of collective action and shared purpose. The Namelok Girls School project stands as a testament to the transformative potential of community engagement and underscores TOSK’s commitment to empowering future generations. The memory of Hussein Jiwani serves as a guiding light, inspiring continued efforts to create positive change and uplift communities across Kenya.

Here Are The Sharing Moments From The Event:

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